Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Flue gas Analysis with KANE-QUINTOX Aanlyser

Experimental Study on Application of Exhaust Gas Analyzer for Combustion in a Gas Turbine Combustor

Combustion Diagnostics through exhaust gas analysis is a new process of determining the extent of combustion of fuel. Composition of exhaust gas tells us the Additionally, the effects of emission control methods provided for gas turbine cycle performance and recommended turbine inspection intervals. Emission control methods Vary with both internal turbine and external exhaust system emission control. An exhaust gas analyser system allows us to find amount of CO2.
In recent years, gas turbine with suitable designs have secured propulsion plant contracts from operators of large cruise ships and high speed ferries, reflecting the demand for compact, high output machinery with raised cycle efficiency and tight control on exhaust emissions.
A new generation of marine gas turbine—superseding designs with roots in the 1960s—will benefit from the massive investment in aero engine R&D work. Today With numerous advantages of gas turbines like high power-to-weight and power-to-volume ratios and astonishing operational flexibility with swift start up and shut down rapid acceleration and deceleration allows one to prefer no other option than GAS_TURBINES for large tonnage usage.

Unpublished of part truncated.

Flame Experiments....on the way

Combustion of fuel is a vital Process in various energy liberation and harnessing processes. In any domestic, industrial or automotive internal combustion chamber due to low mole fraction of oxygen and confinement manifests undesired effects. Amodel is being developed to charcterize and optimize flames.This would help us to model the diffusion characteristics of fuels in order to achieve burner design for several domestic and industrial process and predicting combustion characteristics (stability & instability) of various fuels in the combustion chambers and their control.

I would like to acknowledge my guide prof.PCM for teaching me this technology.

Monday, January 11, 2010

MATLAB simulation and Modelling of parameters causing distortion of workpiece in moving heat source type machining.

Presenting Paper at RAMT-2010,GIET,India

The temperature estimation at different specified weld spots of a thin metal slab under the effect of a moving heat source is modeled in the MATLAB environment. A finite domain under defined boundary conditions is considered as workpiece. Only Fourier Number (Fo), a dimensionless parameter is found to control the behavior of the problem. It was found that material properties needs to be selected accurately to get desired rate of cooling. The optimization criterion remains as: Fo< ½ and e (-a.Δx) -> 0.


Presenting paper on Heat cracks during welding in National Conference on "Recent advance in Mechanical Engineering".


Receiving First prize from Lect.P.Patnaik for paper presentation on Particle Image Velocimeter.


Receiving First Prize for Academics in 3rd semester by Scientist S.Sampath from CEMRI,Durgapur