Sunday, February 23, 2014

INPRESSCO PUBLICATION:Flame Shape Prediction with Artificial Neural Network

 It was a great opportunity in my life to get a publication in a  SCIENCE JOURNAL.More because i had missed two publication opportunity at IEEE and SCIPUB because of lack of funding.In india its really difficult to get funding for genuine reason.This time also the place i work great Electronics Corporation Of India Limited and where i do a part time course Osmania university.Both the institutions showed their incapability to fund me  showing some vague reasons.
(Vardhaman College of Engineering was far away from Secunderabad,costed high, with not so good arrangements)

This time i was lucky since i got an indian publisher.So i financed my self and yes now i am on air.My publication deals with Application of a new algorithm that can predict anything that we cant.Ever thought of predicting how would a flame shape would be in the next Moment.Yes i thought of it and i was there with an algorithm.This algorithm is called as a neural network algorithm.It works like a newtons solution method.we approach the solution by finding slope etc.But Neural network is far more complex and you can never expect to solve it on pen and paper.I could not play with this algorithm enough.just using the basic format of algorithm in MATLB i got whopping results of 87.7% prediction efficiency and i could predict as far as 0.07 sec forward in time.Now if i get a good hand in manipulating the hidden layers of this algorithm i can easily boast upto 90% efficiency.Lets hope.
My future plans are bit insane.I expect this algorithm can predict answers of an Multiple Choice Question Exam exam ..and what more. Because every computer generated randomness is PSuedorandomness,And a computer can Understand this randomness but not Humans.But alas computers are not allowed in GATE.
The person in white shirt with a blue ID-TAG from left is ME!!
Get the paper here:

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